Featured Professional



Real Estate Expert | Serial Entrepreneur

I am a Real Estate and Marketing Professional with extensive business development experience who holds a sincere passion for helping investors achieve above average and safe returns. I have a successful track record of identifying and re-positioning multi-family value-add properties.

About Kevin

Kevin is a Florida-based Real Estate Investor, top iTunes podcast host and serial entrepreneur with over $150 million of real estate transactions. His extensive investment experience spans the gamut of apartment buildings, single-family homes, office buildings, raw land, condos, and his favorite and by far the most profitable, Mobile Home Parks.


Listen to “The 21 Biggest Mistakes that Investors Make When Purchasing Their First Mobile Home Park”.

Kevin holds the keys to successful real estate investment. With over 16 years of experience, Kevin educates investors to locate, acquire, and create “higher than average” returns from this widely misunderstood niche of Mobile Home Park Investing. He shares his expertise through the Mobile Home Academy and also as the host of the Real Estate Investing for Cash Flow Podcast which has become one of the hottest podcasts on iTunes, often in the top 100!

In addition to his Real Estate endeavors, Kevin is passionate about giving back and is the founder of several charitable organizations, including founded RunningforBrews.com, a social running club with more than 10,000 active members, and “72 Hours to Key West,” an annual 280 mile bike ride benefiting impoverished families during the holidays.

Areas of Expertise:

  • Mobile Home Park & Multi-Family properties
  • Comprehensive investment analysis and due diligence
  • Identifying above average investment opportunities
  • Large rehab projects and property management

Working With Investors:

  • Evaluate investment needs and goals
  • Identifying opportunities with above average returns
  • Extensive due diligence and analysis of any prospective investments

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∙ Investing

∙ Manufactured Home Real Estate

∙ Flipping Manufactured Homes

∙ Podcasts

∙ Manufactured Homes

∙ Education/Teaching


Kevin's Companies

Our mission is to provide an excellent return on investment for our equity partners, while at the same time providing affordable housing to thousands of families. The objective of Sunrise Capital Investors is to provide an investment opportunity that achieves significantly higher returns than those offered in traditional saving accounts or CDs, while operating with reduced risk compared to the stock market or other real estate investments. MHPs present such an opportunity; they provide a fundamental human need (affordable housing), offer stable cash flow, and possess the potential for capital appreciation using our proven business model. Sunrise Capital Investors, LLC specifically targets low-risk, high cash flowing MHPs that generate capital preservation, immediate income, and equity growth through repositioning and increasing the net operating income. The Company acquires communities nationwide with particular focus on the Eastern half of the United States. Our target acquisitions consist of MHPs with a community size of 40 to 200 spaces.

Our company is based on a combination of intense passion for the MHP industry and on a desire to provide continuous education to those who have a desire to succeed in this niche. To inspire and be inspired, our commitment to growth and self-improvement is the driving force behind our company. We are entrepreneurial individuals who continually strive to improve the company, themselves, their lives, their community, and the lives of others. We take pride in challenging ourselves and others; in the work we do, sharing knowledge with our students, and inspiring the changes they’ve always wanted to make in themselves and for their families. It starts with Kevin and Charles. Their vision, work ethic and endless desire to improve themselves and the business inspire everyone in the Mobile Home Park Academy to do the same. Our family has formed a culture of being passionate about what we do. Our ceaseless effort to be the best is how our education and coaching program has garnered national attention and changed the lives of our students. We are active investors with as many as 3-5 Mobile Home Park deals in the pipeline at any given time.